Because it doesn't make the billions of dollars that Google requires for a service, Google has announced that it is shutting it down on July 1. If you want to continue getting MindBlog's RSS feed you will need to use an alternative reader. This Lifehacker post suggests five of the best alternatives - a few further suggestions are here. (I use my My Yahoo home page to obtain RSS feeds from blogs I follow.) Also, a note: There are more petitions floating around the web to keep Google Reader alive than it is possible to count.
(added note, comment from blog re3ader: "It should be noted that you don't need to use unreliable web services to aggregate rss/atom feeds. There are lots of excellent software programs to do so. By using actual software instead of a third party web service you have both insured access and offline access. I use rssowl, a program that runs on the big three OSes (" )
It should be noted that you don't need to use unreliable web services to aggregate rss/atom feeds. There are lots of excellent software programs to do so. By using actual software instead of a third party web service you have both insured access and offline access. I use rssowl, a program that runs on the big three OSes (