Showing posts with label brain plasticity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brain plasticity. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

How our brain networks are reconfigured by a cortisol increase 30-45 min after our waking.

 Zeng et al.  offer a fascinating account of how the rise in our body cortisol levels 30-45 min after waking orchestrates a reconfiguration of brain networks underlying working memory, emotional reguation and executive functioning.  I pass on the introductory paragraph of the article, followed by the article's abstract. (Motivated readers can obtain a PDF of the entire paper with graphics by emailing me.)

The introductory paragraph: 

For centuries, scientists have sought to unravel how the brain and endocrinal signals work in concert to support ever-changing cognitive and environmental demands. In theory, to sustain a dynamic equilibrium between internal milieu and external challenges, the brain and endocrinal signals actively engage in allocation of neural resources to prepare for the upcoming challenges (1, 2). Such active process has been conceptualized as “allostasis” and is believed to serve as one key principle of how neural and endocrinal signals interplay to support nuanced emotional and executive functions, though the underlying mechanisms remain largely elusive. Among endocrinal signals, the stress hormone cortisol plays a critical role in mobilizing energy supply for brain, cognition, and emotion (1, 3, 4). The cortisol awakening response (CAR), in particular, as a natural rise of cortisol through activation of the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis within 30 to 45 min after morning awakening, is superimposed upon the circadian rhythm of cortisol secretion and is more than the mere release of cortisol (57). The CAR has been thought to support anticipation of a day’s most reliable stressor—waking up, mobilizing the energy to daily activities (810) and proactively modulates human emotion and cognition (1113). Such proactive effects are reminiscent of a potential mediator of allostasis (1, 14). Although the CAR proactive effects are well documented at a behavioral level, our understanding of the underlying neurobiological mechanisms still remains in its infancy.

The article's abstract:

Emotion and cognition involve an intricate crosstalk of neural and endocrine systems that support dynamic reallocation of neural resources and optimal adaptation for upcoming challenges, an active process analogous to allostasis. As a hallmark of human endocrine activity, the cortisol awakening response (CAR) is recognized to play a critical role in proactively modulating emotional and executive functions. Yet, the underlying mechanisms of such proactive effects remain elusive. By leveraging pharmacological neuroimaging and hidden Markov modeling of brain state dynamics, we show that the CAR proactively modulates rapid spatiotemporal reconfigurations (state) of large-scale brain networks involved in emotional and executive functions. Behaviorally, suppression of CAR proactively impaired performance of emotional discrimination but not working memory (WM), while individuals with higher CAR exhibited better performance for both emotional and WM tasks. Neuronally, suppression of CAR led to a decrease in fractional occupancy and mean lifetime of task-related brain states dominant to emotional and WM processing. Further information-theoretic analyses on sequence complexity of state transitions revealed that a suppressed or lower CAR led to higher transition complexity among states primarily anchored in visual-sensory and salience networks during emotional task. Conversely, an opposite pattern of transition complexity was observed among states anchored in executive control and visuospatial networks during WM, indicating that CAR distinctly modulates neural resources allocated to emotional and WM processing. Our findings establish a causal link of CAR with brain network dynamics across emotional and executive functions, suggesting a neuroendocrine account for CAR proactive effects on human emotion and cognition.


Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Sculpting new visual categories into the human brain.

Fascinating work from Iordan et al. (open source) I pass on the abstract and the first paragraph of the article that makes more clear what they are doing.


Learning requires changing the brain. This typically occurs through experience, study, or instruction. We report an alternate route for humans to acquire visual knowledge, through the direct sculpting of activity patterns in the human brain that mirror those expected to arise through learning. We used neurofeedback from closed-loop real-time functional MRI to create new categories of visual objects in the brain, without the participants’ explicit awareness. After neural sculpting, participants exhibited behavioral and neural biases for the learned, but not for the control categories. The ability to sculpt new perceptual distinctions into the human brain offers a noninvasive research paradigm for causal testing of the link between neural representations and behavior. As such, beyond its current application to perception, our work potentially has broad relevance for advancing understanding in other domains of cognition such as decision-making, memory, and motor control.

“For if someone were to mold a horse [from clay], it would be reasonable for us on seeing this to say that this previously did not exist but now does exist.”

Mnesarchus of Athens, ca. 100 BCE (1).

Humans continuously learn through experience, both implicitly [e.g., through statistical learning (2, 3)] and explicitly [e.g., through instruction (4, 5)]. Brain imaging has provided insight into the neural correlates of acquiring new knowledge (6) and learning new skills (7). As humans learn to group distinct items into a novel category, neural patterns of activity for those items become more similar to one another and, simultaneously, more distinct from patterns of other categories (810). We hypothesized that we could leverage this process using neurofeedback to help humans acquire perceptual knowledge, separate from experience, study, or instruction. Specifically, sculpting patterns of activity in the human brain (“molding the neural clay”) that mirror those expected to arise through learning of new visual categories may lead to enhanced perception of the sculpted categories (“they now exist”), relative to similar, control categories that were not sculpted. To test this hypothesis, we implemented a closed-loop system for neurofeedback manipulation (1118) using functional MRI (fMRI) measurements recorded from the human brain in real time (every 2 s) and used this method to create new neural categories for complex visual objects. Crucially, in contrast to prior neurofeedback studies that focused exclusively on reinforcing or suppressing existing neural representations (11, 12), in the present work, we sought to use neurofeedback to create novel categories of objects that previously did not exist in the brain; we test whether this process can be used to generate significant changes in the neural representations of complex stimuli in the human cortex, and, as a result, alter perception.

Monday, December 09, 2024

An AI framework for neural–behavioral modeling

Work of Sani et al. (open access) is reported in the Oct. 2024 issue of Nature Neuroscience. From the editor's summary:

Neural dynamics are complex and simultaneously relate to distinct behaviors. To address these challenges, Sani et al. have developed an AI framework termed DPAD that achieves nonlinear dynamical modeling of neural–behavioral data, dissociates behaviorally relevant neural dynamics, and localizes the source of nonlinearity in the dynamical model. What DPAD does is visualized as separating the overall brain activity into distinct pieces related to specific behaviors and discovering how these pieces fit together to build the overall activity.

Here is the Sani et al. abstract:

Understanding the dynamical transformation of neural activity to behavior requires new capabilities to nonlinearly model, dissociate and prioritize behaviorally relevant neural dynamics and test hypotheses about the origin of nonlinearity. We present dissociative prioritized analysis of dynamics (DPAD), a nonlinear dynamical modeling approach that enables these capabilities with a multisection neural network architecture and training approach. Analyzing cortical spiking and local field potential activity across four movement tasks, we demonstrate five use-cases. DPAD enabled more accurate neural–behavioral prediction. It identified nonlinear dynamical transformations of local field potentials that were more behavior predictive than traditional power features. Further, DPAD achieved behavior-predictive nonlinear neural dimensionality reduction. It enabled hypothesis testing regarding nonlinearities in neural–behavioral transformation, revealing that, in our datasets, nonlinearities could largely be isolated to the mapping from latent cortical dynamics to behavior. Finally, DPAD extended across continuous, intermittently sampled and categorical behaviors. DPAD provides a powerful tool for nonlinear dynamical modeling and investigation of neural–behavioral data.

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Battle of the Bots - AI gets creative with Brain Hacks

This post is meant to archive my recent exercise of asking  ChatGPT 4o, Perplexity, Gemini+ advanced,  and Anthropic  (which does not offer links to its responses) to expand my  MindBlog's Brain Hacks post into a more complete essay that offers more background and context.  They responded with slightly different styles and impressive results that required tweaking for only a few small errors.  I thought my more concise text was more inviting, and didn't see anything really new, so my next prompt  (which I had asked ChatGPT to edit and improve) said:

"Your responses are well-constructed, but I’m seeking a deeper layer of insight—something that might challenge conventional perspectives or unveil an overlooked nuance. Can you reframe these ideas or introduce a novel approach that stretches beyond familiar interpretations??"

Here things got interesting.  Click the links above and scroll down to the responses to this final prompt to see the results.  The links most likely are maintained as long as I maintain paying accounts to the bots. (Anthropic does not offer links to its exchanges.)

I pass on here what I think is the most original and striking response, from perplexity. It was right on target,  brimming with new perspectives (some of them the subject of previous posts on my MindBlog), and links to a treasure trove of articles and ideas I was not familiar with from seven sources it provided links to.   Its response also provided a potpourri  or more or less relevant graphic images of brains and models.  

Here is the perplexities text, with links to a few of the seven sources it cites, all of which you can obtain directly from perplexity.:

Reframing our understanding of introspective awareness and cognitive modulation requires us to challenge some fundamental assumptions about the nature of consciousness and self-regulation. Let's explore a more provocative perspective that integrates recent neuroscientific findings with evolutionary theory and cognitive science.

The Illusion of Conscious Control

Contrary to the intuitive notion that our conscious mind is the primary driver of behavior and emotion regulation, emerging evidence suggests that consciousness might be more of an observer than a controller. The brain's emotional and regulatory processes often occur before we become consciously aware of them, suggesting that our sense of volitional control might be, to some extent, an illusion.

Consider the possibility that what we perceive as "introspective awareness" is actually a post-hoc narrative constructed by our brain to make sense of unconscious processes. This perspective challenges the traditional view of top-down emotion regulation and suggests a more complex interplay between conscious and unconscious processes.

The Social Evolution of Consciousness

Recent theories propose that human consciousness evolved primarily for social survival rather than individual cognitive enhancement [ref]. This social evolutionary framework suggests that subjective awareness might lack independent causal influence over psychological processes or actions. Instead, it may serve as a communication tool for social interaction and collective decision-making.

This perspective reframes our understanding of self-awareness and emotion regulation. Rather than viewing these abilities as individual cognitive skills, we might consider them as evolved social tools that facilitate group cohesion and cooperation. The ability to regulate emotions, in this context, becomes less about personal control and more about social signaling and coordination.

Neurotransmitter Systems and Emotion Regulation

Recent research has begun to map the overlap between emotion regulation brain networks and specific neurotransmitter systems [ref] [ref]. This approach offers a novel way to understand the biochemical basis of self-regulation. Instead of focusing solely on cognitive strategies or neural networks, we might conceptualize emotion regulation as a dynamic interplay between neurotransmitter systems.

This biochemical perspective opens up new avenues for
understanding individual differences in emotion regulation abilities. It suggests that what we perceive as "willpower" or "self-control" might be more accurately described as the efficient functioning of specific neurotransmitter systems.

The Myth of the Unified Self

Traditional models of self-awareness and emotion regulation often assume a unified, coherent self that observes and controls mental processes. However, neuroscientific evidence increasingly points to a more fragmented view of consciousness and self-hood.

Instead of a single, unified self, we might conceptualize the mind as a coalition of semi-independent processes, each with its own goals and methods of regulation. This "multiple selves" model challenges our intuitive understanding of self-awareness and suggests that emotion regulation might be more about negotiation between different aspects of our psyche than about top-down control.

Conclusion: Towards a New Paradigm

By integrating these perspectives, we can envision a new paradigm for understanding introspective awareness and cognitive modulation. This model would:

1. Recognize the limited role of conscious volition in emotion regulation
2. Emphasize the social and communicative functions of self-awareness
3. Incorporate the biochemical basis of regulatory processes
4. Embrace a more fragmented view of consciousness and selfhood

This approach challenges us to rethink fundamental concepts like free will, personal responsibility, and the nature of the self. It suggests that effective emotion regulation might be less about strengthening willpower and more about understanding and working with the complex, often unconscious processes that shape our emotional lives. By adopting this more nuanced and provocative perspective, we open up new avenues for research and potentially more effective interventions for emotional and cognitive well-being.

Monday, August 05, 2024

Psilocybin desynchronizes our brains during ego dissolution

From Siegel et al (open source).:

A single dose of psilocybin, a psychedelic that acutely causes distortions of space–time perception and ego dissolution, produces rapid and persistent therapeutic effects in human clinical trials1,2,3,4. In animal models, psilocybin induces neuroplasticity in cortex and hippocampus5,6,7,8. It remains unclear how human brain network changes relate to subjective and lasting effects of psychedelics. Here we tracked individual-specific brain changes with longitudinal precision functional mapping (roughly 18 magnetic resonance imaging visits per participant). Healthy adults were tracked before, during and for 3 weeks after high-dose psilocybin (25 mg) and methylphenidate (40 mg - a placebo in the form of methylphenidate, (Ritalin)), and brought back for an additional psilocybin dose 6–12 months later. Psilocybin massively disrupted functional connectivity (FC) in cortex and subcortex, acutely causing more than threefold greater change than methylphenidate. These FC changes were driven by brain desynchronization across spatial scales (areal, global), which dissolved network distinctions by reducing correlations within and anticorrelations between networks. Psilocybin-driven FC changes were strongest in the default mode network, which is connected to the anterior hippocampus and is thought to create our sense of space, time and self. Individual differences in FC changes were strongly linked to the subjective psychedelic experience. Performing a perceptual task reduced psilocybin-driven FC changes. Psilocybin caused persistent decrease in FC between the anterior hippocampus and default mode network, lasting for weeks. Persistent reduction of hippocampal-default mode network connectivity may represent a neuroanatomical and mechanistic correlate of the proplasticity and therapeutic effects of psychedelics.