Showing posts with label culture/politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label culture/politics. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Parents convey a male default in child-directed speech

Interesting open source article describing experiments by Leshin et al.  (Our current MAGA overlords would like to ban such perspectives.) Their abstract: 

Adults tend to view men (more so than women) as default people, with numerous real-world consequences for gender equity. In the United States, the tendency to center men in concepts of people develops across middle childhood, yet the specific mechanisms that contribute to it remain unknown. Here, we investigate one subtle but potentially powerful social mechanism: the category labels that parents use to describe boys/men and girls/women in conversations with their children. Across two studies (N = 822 parent–child dyads, predominantly from the United States), parents used gender-neutral labels like “kid” or “person” more often to describe boys/men than girls/women and, conversely, used gender-specific labels (e.g., “girl”) more often to describe girls/women than boys/men. These patterns emerged when parents were shown gender-stereotypical girls/women and boys/men (e.g., a girl painting her nails, a boy digging for worms); when parents viewed counterstereotypical stimuli (e.g., a boy painting his nails, a girl digging for worms), the patterns reversed. Our findings illuminate parents’ category label usage as a critical social mechanism that may undergird the development of a male default in a US cultural context, informing efforts to intervene on this process.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Critical fragility in sociotechnical systems

Here is the abstract and part of the introduction (giving examples of system breakdowns) of a fascinating and approachable analysis by Moran et al.  Motivated readers can obtain a PDF of the article from me. 


Sociotechnical systems, where technological and human elements interact in a goal-oriented manner, provide important functional support to our societies. Here, we draw attention to the underappreciated concept of timeliness—i.e., system elements being available at the right place at the right time—that has been ubiquitously and integrally adopted as a quality standard in the modus operandi of sociotechnical systems. We point out that a variety of incentives, often reinforced by competitive pressures, prompt system operators to myopically optimize for efficiencies, running the risk of inadvertently taking timeliness to the limit of its operational performance, correspondingly making the system critically fragile to perturbations by pushing the entire system toward the proverbial “edge of a cliff.” Invoking a stylized model for operational delays, we identify the limiting operational performance of timeliness, as a true critical point, where the smallest of perturbations can lead to a systemic collapse. Specifically for firm-to-firm production networks, we suggest that the proximity to critical fragility is an important ingredient for understanding the fundamental “excess volatility puzzle” in economics. Further, in generality for optimizing sociotechnical systems, we propose that critical fragility is a crucial aspect in managing the trade-off between efficiency and robustness.
From the introduction:
Sociotechnical systems (STSs) are complex systems where human elements (individuals, groups, and larger organizations), technology, and infrastructure combine, and interact, in a goal-oriented manner. Their functionalities require designed or planned interactions among the system elements—humans and technology—that are often spread across geographical space. The pathways for these interactions are designed and planned with the aim of providing operational stability of STSs, and they are embedded within technological infrastructures (1). Playing crucial roles in health services, transport, communications, energy provision, food supply, and, more generally, in the coordinated production of goods and services, they make our societies function. STSs exist at many different levels, from niche systems like neighborhood garbage disposal, to intermediate systems such as regional/national waste management, reaching up to systems of systems, e.g., global climate coordination in a world economy.
In spite of the design of the STSs with the intention of providing stable operations, STSs display the hallmarks of fragility, where the emergence of nontrivial dynamical instabilities is commonplace (2). Minor and/or geographically local events can cascade and spread to lead to system-wide disruptions, including a collapse of the whole system. Examples include i) the grounding of an entire airline [e.g., Southwest Airlines in April 2023 (3)]; ii) the cancellation of all train rides to reboot scheduling (4); iii) a worldwide supply chain blockage due to natural disasters (5), or because of a singular shipping accident [e.g., in the Suez Canal in March 2021 (6)]; iv) a financial crash happening without a compelling fundamental reason and on days without significant news [e.g., the “Black Monday” October 19, 1987, stock market crash (7)]; or v) the global financial (and economic) crisis of 2008 that emanated from the US subprime loan market, which represented a small fraction of the US economy, and an even smaller fraction of the global economy (8).





Friday, March 07, 2025

Deric and Chat GPT 4o on the enteroceptive self in a small world - taking refuge in troubled times

My following exchange with Chat GPT 4o - in which it responds to some of my idea fragments - convinces me that AI's current power to integrate and expand on concepts expressed in language (see Ezra Klein/Ben Buchanan discussion),  is superior to mine.   

Here is the exchange:


I’m curious to see how you might respond to reading the following notes on testing different topic ideas to write about and develop.  The issue is not one of whether the ideas are novel, but whether I might devise, with your help,  a different permutation, perspective, or take on them that I (and others) might find useful.  Can you can suggest some elaboration or further development of the ideas I put forward.

Here are the notes:

First Possible Title:  The interoceptive self as a basis for actions, thoughts and feelings.  

Subtitle: Moving the self’s experienced center of gravity from “I” to “it”

It is a question of who and/or what is running the show

Which brings it back to the old upstairs/downstairs chicken or egg circular causality issue.  

So, ‘it all depends’ (cf Sapolsky’s massive tome) 

And, there is no ‘there’ in terms of understanding, that isn’t in my 1999 “The Biology of Mind”  book.  

Second Possible Title: Defining a smaller self world as a human animal’s refuge in troubled times. 

Our predecessors were small mouse like creatures that survived the asteroid collision of  ~66 million years ago by burrowing into small protective cracks and burrows.  I wonder about robustly engaging this strategy, being one of the peasants or ‘sheeple’ challenged by the rapid disintegration of the geopolitical world order of the past 50 years

And then what?  How to rebuild a new world?… perhaps  Venkatest Rao’s cozy world, rising from the ooze of the permaweird,  protocols, etc.  


Chat GPT4o response:

Here are some possible elaborations and angles for further development based on your notes:

First Topic: The Interoceptive Self as a Basis for Actions, Thoughts, and Feelings

Possible Directions for Expansion:

1. Interoception and Predictive Processing:

You could frame this in terms of predictive coding—the interoceptive self as a key regulator of allostasis, with the “I” being an after-the-fact interpreter rather than the initiator of action.

This links to Karl Friston’s free energy principle and the idea that the brain’s core function is to minimize surprise by aligning perception and action with internal models.

Is the self just a set of homeostatic priors? How much of our identity is actually metabolic regulation?

2. The “Upstairs/Downstairs” and Circular Causality Question:

You gesture toward the chicken-or-egg problem of cognition and embodiment—how does top-down (cortical, conceptual) control interact with bottom-up (visceral, bodily) influences?

You might compare this with Antonio Damasio’s somatic marker hypothesis—how feelings from the body guide decision-making and consciousness.

A more radical view: If we shift our experiential center of gravity from the ego (“I”) to the body (“it”), does that dissolve the sense of agency, or merely relocate it?

3. The “It All Depends” Angle:

Sapolsky’s argument in Determined—that free will is an illusion—suggests that our decisions are just the end points of countless upstream factors.

What would it mean to fully internalize this view? Could shifting to an interoceptive perspective lead to more compassion (for self and others), knowing that everyone is just the result of their bodily and environmental history?

4. Revisiting Your 1999 Work:

You say there’s no fundamental new “there” that wasn’t already in The Biology of Mind—but could there be a different permutation of those ideas given what we now know about AI, embodiment, and neuroscience?

GPT models, for example, are purely linguistic and lack interoception—does that mean their “self” (if it exists) is more like the disembodied, narrativized “I” rather than the deeply felt “it” of an embodied being?

Could this suggest that human cognition has two competing modes—one interoceptive (visceral, allostatic) and one linguistic (disembodied, constructed)? How does that play into contemporary discourse about AI vs. human intelligence?


Second Topic: The Smaller Self-World as Refuge

Possible Directions for Expansion:

1. Burrowing as a Cognitive and Evolutionary Strategy:

You link burrowing (a survival strategy of early mammals) with psychological retreat in times of upheaval.

Could there be a deep homology here? Is the impulse to withdraw during sociopolitical chaos an evolved adaptive strategy rather than mere escapism?

Compare this with polyvagal theory: when the nervous system perceives an existential threat, it often defaults to withdrawal (dorsal vagal shutdown).

Is “smallness” an active form of resilience rather than a passive retreat? How does it contrast with the “fight-or-flight” reaction?

2. The “Peasant/Sheeple” Perspective as an Adaptive Move:

What if being a non-agent in the grand geopolitical sense is actually the smartest move?

History shows that major collapses often result in a power vacuum where “survivor types” do best (e.g., early medieval monastic communities).

Is there wisdom in choosing obscurity, in minimizing cognitive and social complexity as a survival mechanism?

This is in direct contrast to the idea that survival means becoming a power player—what if the real strategy is to go unnoticed?

3. The Cozy Web / Permaweird / Protocols Angle:

Venkat Rao’s cozy web—small, decentralized, high-trust networks—is a modern analog of burrowing.

What does it take to build a world that is small, resilient, and human-centric, rather than grandiose and world-dominating?

Perhaps we are seeing a return to guilds, communes, and localism, as opposed to large-scale, hierarchical structures.

How does this contrast with the Silicon Valley vision of the future (AI, techno-feudalism, etc.)? Is the small-world strategy actually a hack for surviving that future?


Potential Synthesis of These Two Topics

What if the interoceptive self and the small-world refuge are actually two versions of the same thing?

The felt sense of self (interoception) is a form of burrowing inward, just as the social/cultural burrow is an external retreat.

Could there be a philosophy of strategic smallness? A model of resilience that prioritizes minimalism, adaptation, and self-regulation over dominance and grandiosity?

Instead of the heroic self (large, expansive, outward-focused), what would it mean to embrace the burrowed self—the adaptive, responsive, deeply embodied being?


Would love to hear your thoughts—do any of these directions resonate with what you’re aiming to explore?





Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Even more cheerful reading....on civilizational war and oligarchic technocracy.

I hesitate to add to the ongoing flow of negativity in the infosphere,  but I will pass on my edited ChatGPT 4o summaries of articles by Venkatesh Rao and Timothy Snyder.  I think they describe our situation in appropriately dire terms.

Rao argues that contemporary U.S. politics has shifted from a “culture war” to a “civilizational war,” and suggests that Trump and Musk’s faction has undergone this shift by becoming more disciplined and warlike, while Democrats remain stuck in an outdated, ineffective culture-war mode. Unlike culture wars, which are low-intensity conflicts centered on optics and social skirmishes, civilizational wars resemble historical steppe-nomad conquests—high-tempo, ruthless, and strategically destructive. The piece draws parallels to the 30 Years’ War and Mongol tactics, suggesting that modern “warriors” operate in a decentralized, open-source insurgency mode, using social media as a kind of continuous intoxication (akin to fermented mare’s milk for nomads) to stay engaged and aggressive. The author critiques mainstream political analysis for misunderstanding this shift, misinterpreting legal checks and media discourse as signs of normalcy rather than symptoms of deeper conflict. Ultimately, they suggest this is a negative-sum war that cannot be stopped, only mitigated.

Snyder describes the U.S. ias undergoing an oligarchic coup aimed at dismantling democracy and concentrating power among a wealthy elite. It asserts that the current executive branch rejects the idea of America as a nation governed by its people and instead seeks to create disorder to strengthen its control. The systematic discrediting of government institutions, demonization of federal workers, and elevation of billionaires as heroes have paved the way for this takeover. The destruction is intentional, with no plan to govern—only to create chaos that justifies authoritarian rule. The author likens Trump’s tariffs, attacks on allies, and deportation spectacles to deliberate strategies designed to impoverish, divide, and weaken Americans while enriching a select few. The removal of experienced officials in law enforcement and intelligence, under the guise of ideological purges, aims to eliminate those who could resist lawlessness. The article warns that unless citizens act decisively—through legal challenges, state-level resistance, impeachment efforts, and corporate pushback—the country will descend into an anti-democratic system where oligarchs manipulate markets and power unchecked. The call to action is urgent: people must organize, resist demoralization, and recognize that self-governance requires collective action beyond just voting.


Monday, February 03, 2025

“Now Is the Time of Monsters”

I pass on links to two articles in the same vein, one by Ezra Klein, the other by Ventkatesh Rao, with Klein noting how we are facing four epoch-changing events, any one of which could utterly change the world we have know for the past 70 years.  Both articles cite the writing of the Marxist Italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci, who wrote a well know sentence usually translated as “The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: Now is the time of monsters.”  Rao offers the following graphic of the transition:


Klein points to:
1. Authoritarian consolidation across the world and the death of democracies.
2. The poorly understood large language models of AI exponentially approaching problem solving and general intelligence capabilities that may exceed human abilities
3. whose hardware has voracious energy requirements that act against curing the global warming that is irreversibly changing our planet.
4.  Population collapse due to lowering birthrates presenting a larger immediate threat to civilization than global warming.

And Rao dissects the fine structures of the interregnum noted by Gramsci's original phrase " this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear."  Rao notes "an interesting idea that a "monster" is an instance of "morbid symptoms" appearings in either or both of the two building blocks of "world" - systems of rules and special people."


Friday, January 24, 2025

How much does language shape our thinking?

I want to pass on this link to Manvir Singh's article in The New Yorker which has the title of this post.  I enjoyed reading the article. 

Also, I've been comparing the responses of LLMs  (Chat GPT 4o, Perplexity, Anthropic, Gemini) to the very simple prompt:  "Please summarize the following essay with the title: ......".  I'm frequently finding the Perplexity response most useful. It provides a list of steps it is following and HTML links to the sources it is using.  I estimate it would take me at least 30 min to prepare a summary of similar quality to the following Perplexity summary of the Singh article:

The essay explores the profound question of how language shapes human thought, examining cultural, cognitive, and social dimensions of this relationship.

Key Themes and Arguments:

 1. Language as Empowerment: The essay opens with the story of Angrezi Devi, the “Goddess English,” created by Dalit writer Chandra Bhan Prasad in India to symbolize the liberating potential of English for marginalized communities. Prasad argues that English offers Dalits a pathway out of caste oppression, contrasting it with Hindi, which he sees as reinforcing caste biases. 

2. Global Dominance of English: English is highlighted as the world’s dominant lingua franca, used in international institutions and pursued globally for its economic and social opportunities. However, its spread is accompanied by concerns about cultural homogenization and “cognitive hegemony,” where English’s structures might shape thought in ways aligned with Western norms. 

3. Linguistic Relativity and Whorfianism: The essay revisits Benjamin Lee Whorf’s theory that language influences thought, contrasting “strong Whorfianism” (language determines thought) with “weak Whorfianism” (language subtly shapes cognition). Examples include studies showing how Russian speakers distinguish shades of blue more effectively than English speakers due to their language’s lexical distinctions. 

 4. Cultural Variations in Cognition: Research reveals striking differences in how languages shape perceptions of time, space, and sensory experiences. For instance: • Aymara speakers conceptualize time with the past “in front” and the future “behind,” reflecting their linguistic metaphors. • Jahai speakers possess a rich vocabulary for smells, unlike English speakers who struggle to describe odors abstractly. 

5. Critiques and Nuances: While critics like Steven Pinker dismiss extreme Whorfian claims as overblown, recent research supports nuanced effects of language on cognition. Language influences attention, memory, and problem-solving in culturally specific ways but does not wholly dictate thought. 

6. Language Evolution and Adaptation: The essay emphasizes that languages evolve to reflect local contexts. For example, Indian English integrates native linguistic features like honorifics and unique phrases, showing how English adapts to diverse cultural environments rather than imposing uniformity.

The essay concludes that while language profoundly influences thought, this relationship is dynamic and bidirectional. Languages shape how we perceive the world, but human cognition also transforms languages over time. Linguistic diversity is celebrated as a testament to humanity’s ingenuity and adaptability.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The birth of aspirational multiethnic populism

I have pulled some clips from an excellent substack piece by Yascha Mounk to cement and archive his main points for myself and also pass on to MindBlog readers.  He points out that Trump won a more convincing victory in 2024 than 2016…

…by doing what academics are supposed to be expert in: recognizing that the popular understanding of some concept—in this case, populism—is actually constituted by two elements which are logically separable. In his more recent incarnation, Trump has held on to his disdain for longstanding norms and his populist belief in the unfettered prerogative of the majority. But he has also made more explicit than in the past that his political vision is open to supporters from every ethnic and religious group—and has been very shrewd in courting them with an aspirational vision of America.

Though the term is much-overused and often misapplied, the concept of populism remains the most accurate frame for understanding his actions: He believes that, as the rightful voice of the people, he should not suffer any artificial restrictions on his actions—whether by unwritten norms or by explicit limits on the powers of a president.
He took evident pleasure in the fact that he owes his victory in large part to his growing popularity among Hispanics, Asian-Americans and African-Americans. He explicitly thanked those demographic groups for their support. He even invoked Martin Luther King Jr., promising to turn his dream into a reality.

For the most part, the executive orders Trump announced in his Second Inaugural are tailor-made to support this vision. His promise to restore order to American cities will resonate among the poorer and more diverse segments of his electorate who are the prime victims of urban crime. His promise to restore free speech is broadly popular among voters without fancy degrees who feel that elites are using their arbitrary moral codes and linguistic conventions as cudgels to wield against them at will.

Indeed, what is most striking about Trump’s vision is that, for all of its exaggerated laments about the dilapidated state of America, it is profoundly aspirational. His paean to colorblindness and meritocracy resonates among many Hispanic and Asian-American voters who feel much more secure in their membership in the American mainstream than Democratic invocations of the distorting category of “people of color” would suggest. And his promise to plant the American flag on Mars recalls the collective ambition and grandeur of the 1960s space race.

The received wisdom for the last decade has been that Trump has made his political home among the “losers of globalization.” …his voters supposedly felt that they were stuck in a long line that did not budge, with the wrong kinds of people—notably women and ethnic minorities—cutting in line.

That was and likely remains Trump’s appeal for one part of his electorate. But another part of his base—just as important—has a very different view of America. Hailing from groups that had once been banished to the fringes of American society or have immigrated more recently, they don’t want to return to a supposedly golden past.

On the contrary, they are optimistic about the future and embrace entrepreneurial values precisely because they feel that their hard work is starting to pay off. They don’t picture themselves as standing in a long, static line to enter a destination they covet; rightly or wrongly, they believe that the doors to it would be wide open if gatekeepers—from journalists to Democrats to elites self-servingly insisting on outdated norms—hadn’t cruelly decided to bar their way.

There are good reasons to remain concerned about this version of populism. Democracies do in fact need rules and norms. When the separation of powers goes out of the window, bad policies and perilous constitutional crises usually follow suit. And, being capable of attracting genuine support among a much broader cross-section of the population than most observers recognized until recently, Trump’s brand of populism is more likely to succeed in transforming the country’s political culture this time around.

…the first step in understanding any political movement lies in taking seriously the sources of its popularity. Trump has forged a brand of populism that has wide appeal and makes big promises about the future. If you want to use a suitably academic term, you might call it aspirational, multiethnic populism. Therein lies the power, the promise and the peril posed by Trump’s second presidency.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Is critical race theory an inversion of history?

John Ellis, who says yes, is a professor emeritus of German literature at the University of California, Santa Cruz (and author of “A Short History of Relations Between Peoples: How the World Began to Move Beyond Tribalism.” )

I've decided to share his recent WSJ essay to archive them for myself and interested MindBlog readers, even though it is overly simplistic in its emphasis on the virtues of the Anglosphere versus its vices. His basic argument is that so-called "White Privilege" of the Anglosphere is what originally freed us from a universal tribalism in which everyone, by today's standards, was racist. It did this by developing the idea of a common humanity.  Here is the text: 

It’s a tribute of sorts to critical race theory’s success that the Trump administration will make its eradication a priority. The Biden administration had quietly implemented policies throughout the federal government based on this theory, and it is being taught in colleges and schools throughout the country. It has overrun much of the corporate world, and it has even secured a place in the training of many professions. The accusations made in closed training sessions are astonishingly venomous: Arrogant white supremacy is ubiquitous; white rage results when that supremacy is challenged; whites hold money and power because they stole it from other races; systemic racism and capitalism keep the injustices going.

All of this is based on categorically false assumptions about the past. We need only look at how the modern idea of our common humanity originated and developed to see that critical race theory has everything backward. A realistic history tells us that the thinkers and engineers of the Anglosphere, principally England and the U.S., are the heroes, not the villains, of this story, while the rest were laggards, not leaders.

For most of recorded history, neighboring peoples regarded each other with apprehension if not outright fear and loathing. Tribal and racial attitudes were universal. That’s a long way from the orthodoxy of our own time, which holds that we are all one human family. Before that consensus arose, a charge of racism made no sense. By today’s standards, everyone was racist.

It’s not hard to understand why tribalism once reigned everywhere. Without modern transportation and communication, most people knew nothing about other societies. What contact there was between different peoples often involved warfare, and that made everyone fear strangers. The insecurity of life in earlier times added to this anxiety. Protections we now enjoy didn’t exist: policing, banking, competent medical care, social safety nets. The supply of food was uncertain before trucks and refrigeration. In a dangerous world people clung to their own kind for safety, and that was a natural and even necessary attitude.

How did we get from this mindset to the idea of a common humanity? The practical impediments to the world’s peoples getting to know and eventually respect each other were largely removed by British and American engineers. They invented the steam engine, then used it to develop the first railways. They followed this by inventing and massproducing cars, trucks and finally airplanes. They pioneered radio, television, films, newspapers and the internet. The result was that ignorance of other peoples was turned around.

But in the 18th century the British did something even more important: They began to develop our modern outlook on race.

Why Britain? Liberalizing political developments beginning with the Magna Carta and the first representative Parliament, called by Simon de Montfort, fostered greater liberty for the British subject. Liberty led to increasing prosperity, and prosperity to a rapid increase in literacy. Widespread literacy created the first large reading public: By the beginning of the 18th century, dozens of newspapers and periodicals were being published in Britain. An extensive reading public allowed public opinion to become a powerful force, and that set the stage for manifestos and petitions, even campaigns about matters that offended the public’s conscience.

A series of British writers began to promote ideas about the conduct of life and the role of government. Among the most important was John Locke, who argued that every human life had its own rationale, none being created for the use of another. Another was David Hume, who wrote that all men are nearly equal “in their mental power and faculties, till cultivated by education.” These and many others were launching what would become the modern consensus that we are all one human family. The idea gained ground so quickly that in Britain, and there alone, a powerful campaign to abolish slavery arose. By the end of the 18th century that campaign was leading to prohibitions in many parts of the Anglosphere, while Africa and Asia remained as tribalist and racist as ever.

As this idea took hold it made the British see their empire differently. Like other European countries, Britain had initially sought empire to strengthen its position in the world—others would add territory if Britain didn’t, and Britain would be weakened. But if the peoples of the British Empire were one human family, how could some be subordinate to others? The British began to consider themselves responsible for the welfare and development of their subject peoples, and for giving them competent administration before they had learned to provide it themselves. That change inevitably led to the dissolution of empire, and to a consensus that the time for empires (of which there had been hundreds) was over. The world’s most influential anti-imperialists were British. The idea of a common humanity spread across the globe as the power and influence of the Anglosphere grew.

First, this new ideology spread throughout the quarter of the globe’s peoples that were in the British Empire, where different races were learning to live and work together. Next, the Anglosphere’s cultural influence went worldwide as Britain’s industrial revolution set off a culture of innovation that resulted in a universal civilization— that is, modernity. As that way of life spread throughout the world, it carried with it the idea of a common humanity. There’s a simple explanation for what critical race theory calls “white privilege.” Because the Anglosphere developed prosperous modernity and gave it to the world, English-speakers were naturally the first to enjoy it. People initially outside that culture of innovation are still catching up. Asians and Asian-Americans have done this with great success, but critical race theory impedes the progress of other groups by persuading them to demonize the people who created the modern values they have adopted. It betrays those values by stoking racial hatred. Critical race theory tells us that all was racial harmony until racist Europeans disturbed it, but the truth is rather that all was tribal hostility until the Anglosphere rescued us.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Steven Fry: "AI: A Means to an End or a Means to Our End?"

I have to pass on to MindBlog readers and my future self this  link to a brilliant lecture by Steven Fry. It is an engaging and entertaining analysis, steeped in relevant history and precedents, of ways we might be heading into the future.  Here is just one clip from the piece:

We cling on to the fierce hope that the one feature machines will never be able to match is our imagination, our ability to penetrate the minds and feelings of others. We feel immeasurably enriched by this as individuals and as social animals. An Ai may know more about the history of the First World War than all human historians put together. Every detail of every battle, all the recorded facts of personnel and materiel that can be known. But in fact I know more about it because I have read the poems of Wilfred Owen. I’ve read All Quiet on the Western Front. I’ve seen Kubrick’s The Paths of Glory. So I can smell, touch, hear, feel the war, the gas, the comradeship, the sudden deaths and terrible fear. I know it’s meaning. My consciousness and experience of perceptions and feelings allows me access to the consciousness and experiences of others; their voices reach me. These are data that machines can scrape, but they cannot — to use a good old 60s phrase — relate to. Empathy. Identification. Compassion. Connection. Belonging. Something denied a sociopathic machine. Is this the only little island, the only little circle of land left to us as the waters of Ai lap around our ankles? And for how long? We absolutely cannot be certain that, just as psychopaths (who aren’t all serial killers) can entirely convincingly feign empathy and emotional understanding, so will machines and very soon. They will fool us, just as sociopaths can and do, and frankly just as we all do to some bore or nuisance when we smile and nod encouragement but actually feel nothing for them. No, we can hope that our sense of human exceptionalism is justified and that what we regard as unique and special to us will keep us separate and valuable but we have to remember how much of our life and behaviour is performative, how many masks we wear and how the masks conceal only other masks. After all, is our acquisition of language any more conscious, real and worthy than the Bayesian parroting of the LLM? Chomsky tells us linguistic structures are embedded within us. We pick up the vocabulary and the rules from the data we scrape from around us - our parents, older siblings and peers. Out the sentences roll from us syntagmatically, we’ve no real idea how we do it. For example, how do we know the difference in connotation between the verbs to saunter and to swagger? It is very unlikely anyone taught us. We picked it up from context. In other words, from Bayesian priors, just like an LLM.

The fact is we don’t truly understand ourselves or how we came to be how and who we are. But we know about genes and we know about natural selection, the gravity that drives our evolution. And we are already noticing that principle at work with machines.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Analysis of the dumbing down of language on social media over time

Di Marco et al. (open source) do a comparative analysis of 8 different social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Voat, Reddit, Usenet, Gab, and Telegram), focusing on their complexity and temporal shifts in a dataset of ~300 million English comments over 34 years.Their abstract:

Understanding the impact of digital platforms on user behavior presents foundational challenges, including issues related to polarization, misinformation dynamics, and variation in news consumption. Comparative analyses across platforms and over different years can provide critical insights into these phenomena. This study investigates the linguistic characteristics of user comments over 34 y, focusing on their complexity and temporal shifts. Using a dataset of approximately 300 million English comments from eight diverse platforms and topics, we examine user communications’ vocabulary size and linguistic richness and their evolution over time. Our findings reveal consistent patterns of complexity across social media platforms and topics, characterized by a nearly universal reduction in text length, diminished lexical richness, and decreased repetitiveness. Despite these trends, users consistently introduce new words into their comments at a nearly constant rate. This analysis underscores that platforms only partially influence the complexity of user comments but, instead, it reflects a broader pattern of linguistic change driven by social triggers, suggesting intrinsic tendencies in users’ online interactions comparable to historically recognized linguistic hybridization and contamination processes.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Sustainability of Animal-Sourced Foods - how to deal with farting cows...

I've just read through a number of articles in a Special Feature section of  the most recent issue of PNAS on the future of animal and plant sourced food. After a balanced lead article by Qaim et al., a following article that really caught my eye was "Mitigating methane emissions in grazing beef cattle with a seaweed-based feed additive: Implications for climate-smart agriculture."  First line of it's abstract is "This study suggests that the addition of pelleted bromoform-containing seaweed (Asparagopsis taxiformis) to the diet of grazing beef cattle can potentially reduce enteric methane (CH4) emissions (g/d) by an average of 37.7% without adversely impacting animal performance."

Thursday, December 05, 2024

The Future of Warfare

Passing on an article from today's WSJ that I want to save, using MindBlog as my personal archive: 

OpenAI Forges Tie-Up To Defense Industry

OpenAI , the artificial-intelligence company behind Chat-GPT, is getting into the business of war.

The world’s most valuable AI company has agreed to work with Anduril Industries, a leading defense-tech startup, to add its technology to systems the U.S. military uses to counter drone attacks. The partnership, which the companies announced Wednesday, marks OpenAI’s deepest involvement yet with the Defense Department and its first tie-up with a commercial weapons maker.

It is the latest example of Silicon Valley’s dramatic turn from shunning the Pentagon a few years ago to forging deeper ties with the national security complex.

OpenAI, valued at more than $150 billion, previously barred its AI from being used in military and warfare. In January, it changed its policies to allow some collaborations with the military.

While the company still prohibits the use of its technology in offensive weapons, it has made deals with the Defense Department for cybersecurity work and other projects. This year, OpenAI added former National Security Agency chief Paul Nakasone to its board and hired former Defense Department official Sasha Baker to create a team focused on national-security policy.

Other tech companies are making similar moves, arguing that the U.S. must treat AI technology as a strategic asset to bolster national security against countries like China. Last month, startup Anthropic said it would give access to its AI to the U.S. military through a partnership with Palantir Technologies.

OpenAI will incorporate its tech into Anduril’s counterdrone systems software, the companies said.

The Anduril systems detect, assess and track unmanned aircraft. If a threatening drone is identified, militaries can use electronic jamming, drones and other means to take it down.

The AI could improve the accuracy and speed of detecting and responding to drones, putting fewer people in harm’s way, Anduril said.

The Anduril deal ties OpenAI to some tech leaders who have espoused conservative

ideals and backed Donald Trump. Anduril co-founder Palmer Luckey was an early and vocal Trump supporter from the tech industry. Luckey’s sister is married to Matt Gaetz, Trump’s pick to lead the Justice Department before he withdrew from consideration.

Luckey is also close to Trump’s ally, Elon Musk.

Musk has praised Luckey’s entrepreneurship and encouraged him to join the Trump transition team.

Luckey has, at times, fashioned himself as a younger Musk and references Musk as a pioneer in selling startup technology to the Pentagon.

The alliance between Anduril and OpenAI might also help buffer the AI company’s chief executive, Sam Altman, from possible backlash from Musk, who has openly disparaged Altman and sued his company. Musk was a co-founder of OpenAI but stepped away from the company in 2018 after clashing with Altman over the company’s direction. Last year. Musk founded a rival AI lab, x.AI.

At an event on Wednesday, Altman said he didn’t think Musk would use his close relationship with Trump to undermine rivals.

“It would be profoundly un-American to use political power to the degree that Elon has it to hurt your competitors,” Altman said at the New York Times’s DealBook conference in New York City. “I don’t think people would tolerate that. I don’t think Elon would do it.”

Anduril is leading the push by venture-backed startups to sell high-tech, AI-powered systems to replace traditional tanks and attack helicopters. The company sells weapons to militaries around the world and AI software that enables the weapons to act autonomously.

Anduril Chief Executive Officer Brian Schimpf said in a statement that adding OpenAI technology to Anduril systems will “enable military and intelligence operators to make faster, more accurate decisions in high-pressure situations.”

Anduril, valued at $14 billion, is one of the few success stories among a crowd of fledgling defense startups. In November, the company announced a $200 million contract to provide the U.S. Marine Corps with its counterdrone system. The company said the Defense Department uses the counterdrone systems to protect military installations.

As part of this agreement, OpenAI’s technology won’t be used with Anduril’s other weapons systems, the companies said.

Altman said in a statement that his company wants to “ensure the technology upholds democratic values.”

The companies declined to comment on the financial terms of the partnership.

Technology entrepreneurs, backed by billions of dollars in venture capital, have bet that future conflicts will hinge on large numbers of small, AIpowered autonomous systems to attack and defend. Defense--tech companies and some Pentagon leaders say the U.S. military needs better AI for a potential conflict with China and other sophisticated adversaries.

AI has proved increasingly important for keeping drones in the air after the rise of electronic warfare, which uses jammers to block GPS signals and radio frequencies that drones use to fly. AI can also help soldiers and military chiefs filter large amounts of battlefield data.

Wading deeper into defense opens another source of revenue for OpenAI, which seeks to evolve from the nonprofit lab of its roots to a moneymaking leader in the AI industry. The computing costs to develop and operate AI models are exorbitant, and the company is losing billions of dollars a year.