Zeng et al.
offer a fascinating account of how the rise in our body cortisol levels
30-45 min after waking orchestrates a reconfiguration of brain networks
underlying working memory, emotional reguation and executive
functioning. I pass on the introductory paragraph of the article,
followed by the article's abstract. (Motivated readers can obtain a PDF
of the entire paper with graphics by emailing me.)
The introductory paragraph:
For centuries, scientists have sought to unravel how the brain and
endocrinal signals work in concert to support ever-changing cognitive
and environmental demands. In theory, to sustain a dynamic equilibrium
between internal milieu and external challenges, the brain and
endocrinal signals actively engage in allocation of neural resources to
prepare for the upcoming challenges (1, 2).
Such active process has been conceptualized as “allostasis” and is
believed to serve as one key principle of how neural and endocrinal
signals interplay to support nuanced emotional and executive functions,
though the underlying mechanisms remain largely elusive. Among
endocrinal signals, the stress hormone cortisol plays a critical role in
mobilizing energy supply for brain, cognition, and emotion (1, 3, 4).
The cortisol awakening response (CAR), in particular, as a natural rise
of cortisol through activation of the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal
(HPA) axis within 30 to 45 min after morning awakening, is superimposed
upon the circadian rhythm of cortisol secretion and is more than the
mere release of cortisol (5–7).
The CAR has been thought to support anticipation of a day’s most
reliable stressor—waking up, mobilizing the energy to daily activities (8–10) and proactively modulates human emotion and cognition (11–13). Such proactive effects are reminiscent of a potential mediator of allostasis (1, 14).
Although the CAR proactive effects are well documented at a behavioral
level, our understanding of the underlying neurobiological mechanisms
still remains in its infancy.
The article's abstract:
Emotion and cognition involve an intricate crosstalk of neural and
endocrine systems that support dynamic reallocation of neural resources
and optimal adaptation for upcoming challenges, an active process
analogous to allostasis. As a hallmark of human endocrine activity, the
cortisol awakening response (CAR) is recognized to play a critical role
in proactively modulating emotional and executive functions. Yet, the
underlying mechanisms of such proactive effects remain elusive. By
leveraging pharmacological neuroimaging and hidden Markov modeling of
brain state dynamics, we show that the CAR proactively modulates rapid
spatiotemporal reconfigurations (state) of large-scale brain networks
involved in emotional and executive functions. Behaviorally, suppression
of CAR proactively impaired performance of emotional discrimination but
not working memory (WM), while individuals with higher CAR exhibited
better performance for both emotional and WM tasks. Neuronally,
suppression of CAR led to a decrease in fractional occupancy and mean
lifetime of task-related brain states dominant to emotional and WM
processing. Further information-theoretic analyses on sequence
complexity of state transitions revealed that a suppressed or lower CAR
led to higher transition complexity among states primarily anchored in
visual-sensory and salience networks during emotional task. Conversely,
an opposite pattern of transition complexity was observed among states
anchored in executive control and visuospatial networks during WM,
indicating that CAR distinctly modulates neural resources allocated to
emotional and WM processing. Our findings establish a causal link of CAR
with brain network dynamics across emotional and executive functions,
suggesting a neuroendocrine account for CAR proactive effects on human
emotion and cognition.