Friday, March 31, 2023

Humans are more than AI machines - OpenAI's chatGPT edits a MindBlog preliminary draft

I am feeling majorly freaked out now. .. I asked ChatGPT to improve one of the draft paragraphs that I mentioned in this past Tuesday's post. 

My request to ChatGPT

Please make improvements to the following draft of a blog post: 

We humans are AI machines. As with the nerve networks of GPT-4, our developing neuronal connections in the embryo are reinforced by learning correlations that link, sensory and motor capabilities. What we have that is missing in the silicon and metal nerve nets of large language models is a developmental history and memory of physical movement in a rich, chemical and physical environment interacting with the genetic developmental program that evolved over millions of years through variation and selection - we are Darwin machines that function in a much richer environment that current AI implementations. There is no reason in principle that we could not begin to construct a machine based on silicon and other elements than carbon, that does not depend on our current energy cycles fueled by the sun, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. Such a machine might develop, as we do, by moving through and developing a history in a distinctive physical and chemical environment.

The response from ChatGPT:

Here is an improved version of the draft blog post: 

Humans Are More Than AI Machines As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, it's easy to see the similarities between our cognitive processes and those of machines like GPT-4. However, while our developing neuronal connections in the embryo are reinforced by learning correlations that link sensory and motor capabilities, what sets us apart from silicon and metal nerve nets is our developmental history and memory of physical movement in a rich, chemical, and physical environment. 

Unlike machines, we are Darwin machines that function in a much richer environment that current AI implementations. Our genetic developmental program has evolved over millions of years through variation and selection, giving us a unique ability to adapt to our surroundings. We have a developmental history and memory of physical movement in a rich, chemical, and physical environment that has helped shape us into the complex beings we are today. 

There is no reason in principle that we could not begin to construct a machine based on silicon and other elements than carbon, that does not depend on our current energy cycles fueled by the sun, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. However, it's important to note that such a machine would need to develop, as we do, by moving through and developing a history in a distinctive physical and chemical environment. Without this, it may be impossible to replicate the complexity of our cognitive processes and our unique ability to adapt to our environment. 

In conclusion, while our cognitive processes share similarities with AI machines like GPT-4, we are much more than that. Our developmental history and memory of physical movement in a rich, chemical, and physical environment have shaped us into the complex beings we are today. As we continue to explore the possibilities of artificial intelligence, it's important to remember that there may be certain aspects of our cognitive processes that cannot be replicated in machines. 

When I ask ChatGPT to regenerate the response,  it does a better job with the beginning of the draft and has a more inspirational conclusion - a synthesis of the two versions would work best:

Here's a second improved version of the draft blog post:

Humans are often referred to as "AI machines," as our developing neuronal connections in the embryo are reinforced by learning correlations that link sensory and motor capabilities, much like the nerve networks of GPT-4. However, what sets us apart from large language models is our rich developmental history and memory of physical movement in a complex chemical and physical environment, which interacts with the genetic developmental program that evolved over millions of years through variation and selection. We are "Darwin machines" that function in a much richer environment than current AI implementations.

While current AI implementations are limited by their lack of a developmental history and memory of physical movement, there is no reason in principle that we could not construct a machine based on silicon and other elements than carbon. Such a machine could potentially develop, as we do, by moving through and developing a history in a distinctive physical and chemical environment.

However, it is important to note that our current energy cycles are fueled by the sun, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, which have been instrumental in our development as a species. As we continue to explore the possibilities of AI and machine learning, we must be mindful of the unique characteristics that make us human and strive to incorporate them into any machine-based systems we develop. Only then can we truly achieve the potential of AI as a tool for human progress.


Note: Microsoft Bing's performance in the above  task was much less impressive, not as useful.

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